hello [tavi]page 1 or index pg to our story

sweat and heat mix in sickening miasmas, disembodied noises echo off the walls...the squeals of machinery, of sharp silver blades against the sopping meat of labor. cries ring out, a butchershop patois of disconsolate hollers. you (the reader,) feel your skin crawl with the maggots of long-uncleaned corners of this warehouse, stealing into your sinews like cattle pumped full of antibiotics. you feel the intrusion swarm your brain; larvae writhe and pry into long exhausted crevices of your neural pathways as your eyes quicken upon the page...

the ax... raised above his head like a guillotine, crusted with a red substance you don't dare to name. this dostoevskian nightmare seems too cruel -- too immediate for a webcomic written as a grand joke by two furry college kids ENOUGH OF THAT! THE BLADE IS DESCENDING -- MOVE!

(the viewpoint is deftly exchanged for a more spectral view of the situation. the man drops the metal with a wet, sickening *THUNK,* but the stream of consciousness seems to remain intact.)

the surroundings, revealed by a cless panicked eye, appear to be LOATHSOME factory of which more expositon will be added... i shuppose

all jn a days work. or maybe not you tell me. more text of higher wuality to come oh fuck this stupid factory aint even the right size. whatever man. ill be back in the morning